Was a more barefaced, palpable, glaring and maliciousfalsehood ever fabricated?
The agency counter-sued her for libel and maliciousfalsehood in connection with two online reviews she wrote.
Mr McManus is also seeking damages for defamation, maliciousfalsehood, fraudulent misrepresentation, negligence and breaches of his constitutional rights.
FLAMBOYANT singer Boy George yesterday denied he was obsessed with the rock musician who is suing him for maliciousfalsehood.
The testimonies which he has collected have convinced mankind, that either Smith or Ducket was guilty of wilful and maliciousfalsehood.
Huntsman said the counterclaims include breach of contract, breach of good faith and fair dealing, defamation, injuriousfalsehood, and commercial disparagement.
He is suing Nine for injuriousfalsehood, misleading and deceptive conduct, and defamation over the ACA broadcast and a promotional tweet.
Huntsman said the counterclaims it had filed included breach of contract, breach of good faith and fair dealing, defamation, injuriousfalsehood, and commercial disparagement.